Monday, March 30, 2009

Truth Project Week 2 Who Is Man - Philosophy

Some highlights from this weeks study:
  • Christian Philosophy vs Every Other Philosophy -
  1. In Christian Philosophy, we understand that God, the creator of the entire universe, is not part of that same universe. He is not confined to its space or its time. He is not matter, nor is He energy.
  2. Humanism, the prevailing philosophy of our time, states that there simply is no God. There is nothing but our universe. There is nothing that is not made of matter. There is nothing that is not bound by our rules of matter and energy. There is nothing that escapes the order of time.
  3. Other philosophies and religions somehow try to reconcile god to be part of the created universe.
  • Postmedernism says that there is NO ABSOLUTE TRUTH...... Wouldn't the statement that "There is no absolute truth," if it were true, be an absolute truth?
  • ASSUMPTIVE LANGUAGE- Our culture is full of assumptive language. Things are presented in the media as if they are true, as if these things were not open for debate or discussion. People who are unaware, read them and assume they are indeed fact. For example, I read today about a problem with Penguins in South Africa which listed several reasons that they are having trouble. The last on the list was global warming. Global warming is not a fact. MANY scientist deny that it is happening. Many more argue that if it is happening, COs emmisions are not the cause... Yet the article simply said global warming is hurting the penguins. Not that it might be, if it were really happening...... These assumptive presentations are VERY DEVIOUS AND VERY DANGEROUS...
  • What is the source of right and wrong? Where do our morals come from? Could God have chosen for it to be okay to steal? No, Our Standard for our morals is the nature of God Himself. God requires us to behave in the way that his very nature causes him to behave. God does not lie, so we should not lie. God is faithful - we must be faithful - to Him, and to our spouses, family, etc..

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