Monday, February 9, 2009

Worship Old and New

My readings for the last week or so have been in Leviticus and Numbers. Frankly, I am having a hard time finding much to think about. Other than one nagging thought: Reading the detailed instructions God gave the Israelites regarding the construction of the tabernacle, and the Ark of the Covenant, and the garments for the priests, and the detailed and specificity of how these things were to be used in worship...... It almost makes me wonder if it is the same God. Now before you accuse me of heresy, I know it is the same God. But the God of Moses, the God of the Old Testament required many specific acts of obedience of His people and He layed out a specific format for corporate worship. The God of the New Testament (same God) is one requiring absolute devotion without specifying the details of what that would look like as far as corporate worship...

The Israelites were only sometimes able to follow the rules of worship. Worse yet, it was possible to follow the rules for worship without having hearts in worship. Thus even their leaders could be missing the reason and purpose for the rules themselves - leading to hypocrisy.

Of course the modern (or post modern?) church has its own traditions, fomulas and 'rules' for worship. There is still the danger of following the rules and missing the object of our devotion - the reason to worship - our thankfullness for the person and works of God.

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